Sunday 30 October 2016


(12PLAY ONLINE SOCCER BETTING IN SINGAPORE)Baccarat money management is much higher than betting and betting


(12PLAY ONLINE SOCCER BETTING IN SINGAPORE)I think the baccarat betting method and betting theoretically can not have any impact on the yield.
If affected:
1, in negative income under different betting and betting method can experience the different sensory stimulation. Casting on the negative than chasing wins easily chaotic state of mind to increase the base code and the ratio of the total funds caused by a small amplitude that is clear bag.
 2, under the positive return of the decision to determine the base rate and the ratio of total funds. The longer the law, the smaller the overall rate of return. Of course, sometimes for some purpose will use some specific law (here is not involved in their own interests to say)
The following is included in the title. Of course, I think only in positive returns under the money management makes sense. If the contrary is meaningless or meaningless.
The following information shows the amplitude in the case of flat to achieve 240 + level. I also encountered in actual combat over 200 + -level amplitude. Shows the power of baccarat amplitude. If pumping is a chronic poison. Then the amplitude is a sharp edge until the heart.
 Buffett said three famous words. Survival ~ Survival ~ Survival. Everyday big winners think survival is far more important than the rate of return.
If you live:
That is your principal minimum of at least 100 times your base code. Of course, this is just a callable funds at any time. Reserve funds must be greater than 100 times. There are two other best reserve funds. If it is Lanzhu some simple calculations can be calculated how much is the average conversion code. Then at least 100 times the preparation. ??
There is no no amplitude or amplitude of the small cast. If there is that the use of the staircase can be unlimited profit.
Of course, there are many extreme situations. There may be other people you encounter a hundred years of underdogs to uproot you. Or encounter a hundred years of the upper hand. Regardless of negative returns or ignore capital management capital are Cengceng to rise.

 Of course, the most appropriate proportion of the best financial management I can not tell you. Everyone knows that the ratio is greater than the ideal proportion of income will be small. Ratio is less than the ideal ratio will increase the probability of ruin. Texas Hold'em has a money management model. This model is almost zero risk of bankruptcy. But also a high proportion of high-yield run. Without experiment for everyone to speak out. Downgrade is to upgrade strategy. Take 200 times as an example.
If you have 8000 you should play 40 base
If the funds down to 4000. You should play 20 base codes
If born to 12,000. You should play 60 base yards
Talking about the chaos here. I wish you reasonable arrangements for their own funds ratio. Step by step


Saturday 29 October 2016


(SINGAPORE ONLINE BETTING SITES 12PLAY)How baccarat pro looks baccarat

(SINGAPORE ONLINE BETTING SITES 12PLAY)In the eyes of ordinary people, baccarat gambling is a group of baccarat gamblers to indulge the instinctive crazy behavior: no reason, full of absurdity. However, the baccarat gambling of professional baccarat gamblers is by no means different from that of baccarat gambling, and the success of baccarat gamblers is inseparable from the goodness of baccarat Music gambling, betting rhythm and money management. Here, luck is almost useless (ordinary people think that winning or losing is pure luck), opportunity theory is nonsense, the overall quality of the success or failure of Baccarat gamblers.
For some people, baccarat is fate.
For some people, baccarat is a nightmare.
For some people, baccarat is a mystery.
For some people, baccarat is a paradise.
For some people, baccarat is hell.
Why is the disparity so great? Why do people gambling on baccarat? Perhaps because baccarat gambling represents one of the last adventures in the financial world. Challengers must rely entirely on personal wisdom and common sense, the courage to meet hardships, with their own intelligence, tenacity, tenacity and adventurous spirit, overcome various setbacks. Similarly, baccarat gambling high-risk high-return, very fair (in fact, there is no fair to speak of). Baccarat gambling is one of the last few to be able to take a small broad industry. It is not surprising that, at the baccarat casino, participants have been very busy and successful, but it is not surprising that after their failure, it is not surprising that they mostly complain about the bizarreness of online casinos, rather than exploring their own inadequacies; It's no surprise that people end up in trouble, and it's no surprise that so few people know about baccarat. For those adventurous baccarat gamblers, the unknown world is mysterious and horrific. Everything is the same, encountered such a situation, difficult, all over the thorns.
 Baccarat gambling, there is no reason at all. It is absurd to say that baccarat gamblers, who lose money for various reasons, are mostly responsible for themselves - often as a pretext. Perhaps they do not fully invested, perhaps the lack of necessary analytical skills, or personality to be perfect, impetuous heart, commercial rhythm incomplete. The reason why other people fail, perhaps the lack of funds, despite the importance of funds, but not the main reason leading to investor failure.
Come talk about luck. Live casino is one of the few areas in which luck is not used. Although luck is by no means harmful (as in other situations, luck sometimes plays an important role.) But luck is not the deciding factor. Good luck can sometimes have negative effects. For example, if an investor is lucky in the early stages of baccarat, he will either experience nothing or experience the opposite. In the long run, too early may lead you astray. Professional long-term stable profitability of gamblers is by no means luck.
If you feel very simple, not the case! Baccarat gambling is very difficult. Finally, the courage to apply your analysis to the Baccarat casino. Have the courage to judge your participation in Baccarat gambling, this time most baccarat gamblers will encounter Waterloo, your personality will be an unprecedented test, you will know what kind of baccarat gamblers. In fact, the overall quality of baccarat gamblers is to determine the success or failure of the most critical factor.


Careful logical thinking, tenacious enterprising spirit, perfect individual character, passion for learning of baccarat gambling knowledge, learning of trends, and patience, the most critical is iron and steel discipline, Heart, complete plan. Video lessons need to be patient, learning from mistakes requires patience, and building confidence requires patience, and training requires confidence in baccarat. Time is also a resource, it is not easy to do, but it is not impossible.
Successful baccarat gamblers do not gamble as baccarat gamblers, according to luck and intuition, who are excellent traders and money managers. Although investors are also taking the risk of baccarat, they follow the strict and rhythmic principles of baccarat. Therefore, money management is very important. Unfortunately, this principle is ignored by public gamblers.


Is there sufficient probability of success? No doubt, this can provide more learning opportunities. However, the money may well give the online baccarat gamblers a sense of insecurity, which in the long run will hinder the success of baccarat gamblers. Regardless of the amount of venture capital you start with, you have to learn to adjust accordingly: if the money is small, it should start small and very small; on the contrary, if the money is big, you will naturally Larger positions carry bets. In both cases, you have to control yourself, and after you have mastered the game, there are some venture capital funds to operate. If you graduate, empty capsules, no use to learn, but have to face all the risks, the accumulation of the necessary experience, it is worth the candle.
 In the Baccarat casino, familiarity and application of principles, laws, and flexibility to deal with baccarat casino changes, emergencies, need lengthy hands-on learning and hands-on process to succeed, we go further in-depth discussion is not much significance . However, there is a very important principle, need to talk about. Follow your scheduled baccarat plan - a proven, proven model that can help you make decisions. There is no one-size-fits-all special baccarat gambling model that varies from person to person. If you are not a professional baccarat gambler, you need to spend a lot of time to study what principles are most effective, most consistent with their character and the initial feeling. No matter what kind of baccarat gambling principles, once determined, we must persevere, this is also on the network gambling rhythm and mentality of gamblers test. If you can not strictly follow their own principles, baccarat casino a little ups and downs, you restlessly, it is easy to fall into tension, to take reckless action. In addition, I would like to remind you that the minds do not abandon these principles because of the idea of ​​lucky speculation; if you are frustrated at the beginning or experienced a series of blows, do not be discouraged and continue to adhere to the clear principles of baccarat gambling.


Friday 28 October 2016


(SINGAPORE ONLINE CASINO 12PLAY)Baccarat roulette staircase betting new play

(SINGAPORE ONLINE CASINO 12PLAY)Come straight to the point. Baccarat roulette betting method is: 123456789 ....... 20 temporarily to 20 bar, the capital can continue to go up.

Usage: lose has been in this layer, has been to win two wins, each level must be winning streak 2 times on a layer. Win into that layer lost in the layer has been playing until the win 2 wins and then on.
The expression is not good enough or an example, the outcome of the road: - - - - + + - - - + - + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + + +


Wednesday 26 October 2016


(W88 12PLAY ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)Baccarat "digging gold buy" wonderful buy with the straight cable, 7 years did not break up

(W88 12PLAY ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)Direct 1 2 6 18 48 96 up to 18 off the 48 back
The first time to speak, read a lot of paste feel very funny, obviously very simple to buy law to write a very complex. A lot of betting is ridiculous, in fact, any kind of buy is the same, what level cast, embrace, increase, reduce, betting strange way, we first find out a problem, with football or the so-called betting method can not change 50% of your face will always be 50%, must use Lan to make the expansion within the region to win, this idea is gamblers, not investors, has been plagued by any individual is how to quickly profit, how Fast turn this, want to overnight riches, even a little patience to think of is the monthly profit, the key points are on the profit, then wrong, the first point should be to survive, how to Baccarat On the survival, in fact, for many people Baccarat is really a Jinshan, inexhaustible inexhaustible, the key to the 50% on this, we must think I was talking nonsense, everyone Know the probability of 50%, but you thought about it? 50% is actually quite high, you buy a day 50% winning percentage of the stock it? One day to buy 50% winning stock it? May have to take 20 3 0% of the winning percentage in Bo. Even people living in war zones and slums have less than 50% chance of surviving, so if you really do research on probability, you will never say that the probability of 50% is low, 50% is already quite high . Even and 70 80% of the difference is not big.
 In addition to your so-called football, 4-7 Lan so 50% has become close to 100%, as long as the choice of direction not wrong, or less wrong, it can already Baccarat as ATM. So do not say 50% probability is low, DC can have this project, for me, just like Godsend, I'm afraid one day cancel baccarat.

Wonderful way to buy straight with 19 months did not break up

 1 6 6 48 48 96 (6 paving how much use, according to the provisions of the limit, it is not assured with 7 shop, the general shop is already broken 4 limit) a maximum of 18 off 48 back, I believe that many often go to Macau Of the cheap have seen me, but do not know who I am, any DC I have to go, for me is the same, and occasionally to South Korea, brought West Asia, Las Vegas, this method to eat I used to give him the name of "digging gold to buy" is my 32-year-old that year by chance from the Book of Changes on the gossip on the enlightenment out of the original I was doing the stock, and often make less Loss of large, one half of the loss of 30%, one side earn 10% a year, very hard to catch up with the stock market crash, the most to the 170W, the house is sold, the family followed my hardship, and later borrowed money to gamble, back A debt, really want to die, I experienced too many ordinary people experience less than things, never cried me, crying at the age of 32, I really do not know so live, the world for me Is the dark, very occasionally chance, never read the book I came to a Book of Changes, read the first one I felt something, but can not tell, and then read the entire book, Or can not tell the specific things, but I feel the kind of leave me very close, until I use the day to see the gossip map, I understand that everything in the world actually between the Fangcun, fully in line with Baccarat 50% probability, the next one to open what has long been doomed, do not guess, do not draw the road, what to say Extreme point, 2 hours later what is now doomed, or even 2 days, 2 years later, as long as the routines Playing, is enough to open what card is kept changing, it was said to play in order to play with no order is futile, and this is right, but the orderly routine is very random changes in the generated, understand This all resolved, such as martial arts, to learn the routines of martial arts are dead a model, but really fight is not the same, and death routines to make good use of people punch you punch, people out of the foot you also use Fist, called move dead routine, will be defeated, routines used in the real to see how you play, see move then move, see strokes, is a good way, the same routine will be used and will not be used Is a world of difference. So we called the order is completely based on the actual disorder of the card to develop the order, so that order can be better than the disorder, where many experts have come to understand this concept in fact a lot of people understand that do not Say it out, a lot of people are talking to the point, do not really let some people do not learn, to Jianqian not?
Once gambling has become a money-making tool, this person will be a crisis society, just as the superior Kung Fu to teach the person must be to the virtues of good people, good people with a few times not to benefit the community at least not evil, feel bad people succeed Must do evil. Now I worry about food and clothing, there is room and car, but I will always remember my most difficult days, so plain life is actually the most valuable. With the previous experience, so I am now so calm, the money is to have, enough to like, unscrupulous money potential, mischief.

 "Digging gold to buy" bigger pain is that, not to win big money, can only elaborate on long-distance, if you take a day from the DC 1000W, 3 days after you can go into it? Even if you change places, the world is playing you can not play a year, so sometimes you must deliberately lose points, a small win every day, a good mood when deliberately to a 20W 30W is also often things, and not every day from the DC take a few Million to go, no one is the leading cause of death, death. The second is that I made by the projections, if someone records the direction of the bet and the amount of take home calculus then 64 cards can be calculated after him out, so the amount of money can not be the same bet, and sometimes deliberately lose big win small make Illusion, in order to push back the flat, said in front of the 1 2 6 18 48 96 is nothing more than the maximum profit, in fact, any level of push or bet the amount of the same, because the back to open what has long been our changes according to the disorder developed Orderly choice into the calculations. I have said too much, the master basic already know pretty close.
February 4, 2010 3 pm to February 5 Golden Sands Lisboa Youyuan people meet here. Do not go to the luxury hall, in the retail hall.


Monday 24 October 2016


(9CLUB 12PLAY ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)Baccarat Ten Long Bets betting upgrade

(9CLUB 12PLAY ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE) Baccarat ten long game betting upgrade:

A road priority, it is not a good way.

Landlord of the sincere heart, and personal feeling to wash code is more suitable, or use this cable to try:




Accumulated enough to lose 10 hands and then rise to a level.

Two years ago, the landlord has also tested this method, the basic hit rate is 45%, but sometimes go to 60,70%, sometimes 30%.

In the old Lisboa has tried this victory Road: --------- + ---- + - + --- + + + + + + + + + + + +++


Sunday 23 October 2016


Can 12play baccarat win money?


In fact, how to say that gambling this thing has lost a win.

The proposal is not gambling is the best choice, if you can not control their own, small gambling Yueqing situation - big bet on God is best not to.

Small gambling Yueqing explanation:

The so-called "small gambling Yueqing bet on the body" is not the case, gambling is gambling, there is no so-called gambling gambling points, gambling are wounded, gambling wins also want to win, bet lost to comeback, Have nothing, a small bet has become a big bet!


Profound meaning: This saying may be able to reflect the mentality of many people, but gambling is really happy, or just beautiful decoration, and even a trap is difficult to extricate themselves?

Many gamblers are betting on "gambling", starting from the pleasant reason of "pleasant mood", stepping into the stage of "big bet" step by step from "small bet", by gambling as leisure and entertainment, Normal life is slowly eroded, dominated by gambling, and finally turned into a "pathological gambler", can not control their own behavior.


Saturday 22 October 2016


12play Baccarat eight yards legend

(SINGAPORE ONLINE CASINO 12PLAY)Baccarat, cable length up to eight yards, a decisive battle, from a yard, the highest eight yards, up and down, when the retreat, application ease.

Such as:




This is the basic code, but hit a different outcome, will change the amount of code.

In short: between 1-8, you can extend an infinite length, such as: changes in the hands of more than 10, the final decision to play flat 8 yards all the way to play.

Code is not high, the right line;

This is not more than enough to fight on;

Sri Lanka is gambling, to win for the fine.


Gambling table co-ordination, winning or losing are colorless.

Talk about the smile Chang mood, control Bureau of red.

A sign north and south, win is limited.

Multi-code vertical and horizontal, Chang Sheng variable infinite.

Sic Bo baccarat, beef plus three public.

I said: win in the wonderful!


Thursday 20 October 2016


12play Baccarat no betting method, no injection code is worth a mighty force

(W88 12PLAY ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)Baccarat without betting, no betting, but it is worth a mighty force.
Betting method to determine the outcome of the road, the outcome of the decision betting method, note code decision profitability.
Profitability refers to the percentage of total capital earned in a fixed cycle, such as boots, days, and so on.
Usually looking for, or is a study of betting methods, and then test the outcome of the road, after looking for injection method, and then start combat, and then lose, and then find the betting method, and then test, and then match, So the total cycle, and even some people think that bag is a new beginning, after the bag he can start research, looking for a new direction, but to force their own in-depth study of a promotion, have this stage has been Is poisoned, but you think you feel very clear, very sensible start a new study, you are wrong you are deep poisoning. Do not admit that you in the end is cheating the casino, or lie to yourself? To put it plainly is to find a reason to continue to support the gambling down, to find a spiritual sustenance.
 Above is the thinking of ordinary people, that is, people who play baccarat the most basic conventional ideas. (There are winners do not participate in the discussion, you continue to move money, do not delay the time)
Some things less than you lose the desperate, dead end, said you can not hear, listen to also can not understand, must be a complete experience, in order to understand.
Today is to say, in fact, we are wrong from the start.
Betting method to determine the outcome of the road, the outcome of the decision betting method, note code decision profitability. In fact, the beginning is wrong.
(W88 12PLAY ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)The following, as well as the point of view, is violent, breaking conventional thinking can lead to confusion, intermittent frenzy, and short-term libido, impulse to curse, and may lead to self-flagellation. For a friend who died once, still fumbling stage, do not read down, you can not understand, not underestimate you, do not belittle your meaning, but you did not die, you can not feel the kind of invasion Bone marrow pain.
Betting method, in fact, is extremely important, any betting method is exactly the same, you do not go on in the study, any one way is as good as bad. So after the betting method of basic research can be ignored, basically equal to a waste of time.

 Note code method, in fact, is extremely important, any injection method are exactly the same, you do not go on in the study, any one way is as good as bad. So after the study of the basic code can be ignored, the basic equivalent to a waste of time. (Of course, there may be, look at this post is a waste of time)
We want to say is the "outcome", the outcome of the road is the most critical one way, this is the direction of our bet, is the most correct way.
In the actual process, the general record of the road, that is, the mainland, and the outcome of the road, the mainland record, we arbitrarily selected betting method, such as two, three, four, any can, because all the same way Only one record is + -
Often before our point of view, that is, according to the road, or betting the way to play, wrong, wrong, big mistake. Because the road is only Zhuang leisure results only, you see is the reality of the results of the arrangement. In fact, we should win the road, to win or lose the road to determine your outcome, should be based on your betting method to play according to the outcome of your betting road (focus), a little bit around is not. You know. Then the outcome of the road in fact there are two, one is the outcome of betting, one is the actual outcome of the road. We have to be more realistic way to determine the outcome of the betting, winning the betting direction. That is our betting direction is based on the actual outcome of the road and the choice has been exceeded, the betting method selected Zhuang leisure results. We buy from leisure to buy the next one is to buy or lose to buy. Do stock can only buy up can not buy, he is a unilateral transaction, so you can buy futures up, you can also buy, is a bilateral transaction. And we are now playing baccarat people are playing unilateral trading.
 Usually everyone is embracing how to design 2 even +, 3 with +, how much can win, hit a few levels. The fear is even -. And our actual combat process, in addition to even the + is connected, and the biggest loss is in the company. If you win the road according to the outcome, the actual outcome of the road to play, so even -. All into a company.
The outcome of the road is nothing more than even + even - jump + - even + money, even - money. Several other irregular + - jump, but also lose a few? Bulk into the bag, and a few lost conversion, and why not?
Dead once to see here should be light enlightened, and how you die before, not even - too much, the consumption of dead, or chase the dead.
Not dead people, see here at a loss, said earlier, "intermittent mad, and short-term libido, want to curse the impulse" began to respond.
Do not tell me that such a strategy will meet a slap in the face of the left hand. Do not forget, the outcome of the road is 2, the outcome of betting, and the actual outcome of the road. A series of chain slap, into a few intervals of the hand, is the Amitabha.
Betting method is not important, because the more the better win, lose more is better.
Note code method is not important, flat injection can win, you have to get hold of amplitude to carry Lan? suicide? Or play stimulus?
Is the subject of this paste: no betting method, but worth a mighty force.


Tuesday 18 October 2016


12Play Baccarat paper notation lets you beat online baccarat casinos

(9CLUB 12PLAY ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)Many people think that playing to win, is suicidal. In this regard, today we simply say a few words of their own point of view. The so-called baccarat paper notation is the result of the baccarat opening. Road paper notation is the historical data on baccarat to determine the trend after the game. To the front of the road as the basis, through the logic of analysis, to determine the results behind the opening card to make a bet Zhuang Sheng or idle wins the decision. A lot of baccarat players are playing. And many people also believe that such a dead end only one.
But the vast majority of players still go its own way, continue to play in the Baccarat table game pathfinder. Even online casino baccarat windows have a dedicated road for the players reference. Sometimes, a player really found a good way, so the whole table was cheering thunder, clap to congratulate; sometimes, for a long time did not appear a good way, so the whole table were looking gloomy, cherish each other.
 So in the end what is right and wrong, there is no way to follow the road to play baccarat approach is not feasible? We may as well first look at how many baccarat "road."
US physical casino baccarat is usually a card card has more than 70 hands, if calculated by 70 hands, the total change of its brand road is 2 to 70 power. 2 70 is a power of what kind of concept? That in the end this number is equal to how much? This number is equal to 1180591620717411303424.
So what is the concept of this number? Simply put, even if you come up with the spirit of the Foolish Old Man to record the road, that is, children and grandchildren endless record, you remember the road than the mountain is also high, you can not exhaust the Baccarat road change. I believe the way to see the square of the players will say that we all have the computer age, where the paper also marks the road, the system has been recorded as early as the road card, and then the system analysis, which is not easy to see the road thing? Indeed, we can not hand to record cards, but have not heard of anyone who found a good way to battle it! Research on stock technology than Baccarat to advanced it, a variety of routines dazzling, can you have heard of unbeaten techniques you heard that earn not lose a good way to stocks it?

 If someone tests hundreds of boots, it tells you that Baccarat will win magic, you will believe it? If someone says that all the cards of Baccarat are all listed and cracked, you can find out the rules to find out the winning cheats. Do you think this is possible?
As we all know, there is no constant cable in the world. In fact, the world does not continue the road. No matter how you design, any cable, any way there will be broken in any position possible! And in the long run, at any position the probability of broken cable blasting is the same. Some players believe that such as "smile back" This position is very reliable, like in such locations under the re-injection. But in fact, smile back with the "back and cry," the probability of exactly the same, long-term bet in these positions, the yield is still negative 1.26%.
To find the immense law of the endless number of fixed law, a fixed method to beat baccarat, letting these techniques with operational, it is probably even more difficult! So, baccarat look road route if it does not work, the player is not only a dead end of it? That of course is not, otherwise, how there will be so many players this way? .


Sunday 16 October 2016


Macau baccarat sure win betting (12PLAY LIVE CASINO BACCARAT Singapore)

 (12PLAY LIVE CASINO BACCARAT Singapore)How to play in order to win? Turn to baccarat. Baccarat is not necessarily win the game is to win, and only players know how to use all kinds of baccarat play, will know how to win.

The appearance of a very fair, and the true meaning, but not necessarily a fair and reasonable play, the maximum amount from the bet, the dealer rake rake, casque dr dre, The rules, Zhuang leisure complement rules such as the three conditions, you can understand the Baccarat of the game, the guests are always at the inferior position, the probability of losing money is better than winning money, then can play Baccarat, or loss Fair play, so baccarat need to clear the situation of these three in order to complement the lack of baccarat games are played, the probability of winning money to tie it into a positive number.  (12PLAY LIVE CASINO BACCARAT Singapore)

From another point of view, what the game easy to make money, how to win? Free door Win plate is no rake, you can bet do not rake the idle door, so you can avoid doubling the amount of rafting rake, it not completely equalized the idea, not to be so naive, casino Baccarat play, Known players have this trick.


The number of points in the first two cards of the dealer is compared to the sum of the first two cards of the dealer and the sum of the third card of the player in the play Points are 6 or 7 points, the dealer can make up cards, while the first two card points of the sum of the players is 6 or 7 points, you do not need to make up cards, and then add the third card is the sum of the card is 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, the dealer does not need to make up cards, showing the third patch of the rules, the end is indeed a trick to prevent players trick, and the third patch of rules, According to the report of the expert study statistics, the ratio of Zhuang winning or losing, is the dealer has more than 51% of the win rate, so the number of bets and the number of bets, based on their own chips Doing betting, instead of doubling the bet, can turn the tide.

The rules are indeed misleading players to make mistakes in the identification, it is necessary to observe the shrewd, patient wait, waiting for the company committed the error, that is, The way out of money.

The way to win is the rich and varied, the only way to win is whether the players are proficient in various baccarat games are played.


Saturday 15 October 2016


Baccarat paired play will increase the difficulty of online baccarat winning(12PLAY LIVE SICBO ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)

(12PLAY LIVE SICBO ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)Recently, for some of the launch of the gambling paired play, some people claim to be found on the online baccarat to win the gambling on the way, after in-depth thinking, I disagree with this statement. The details of the analysis in the following.

To increase the fun and diversity of baccarat is a casino in order to increase the introduction of a means.

The so-called gambling "pair" is betting "banker" or "player" to send the first two cards, whether there will be a pair. Gambling "pairs" to specify when the bet "banker pair" or "player pair". And it is a compensable eleven.(12PLAY LIVE SICBO ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)

Many gamblers bet on the "paired" when Hou will also bet on the "banker" and "player" two, some people like to bet the so-called "Sambo", that bet "banker", "open" Plus buy "and". This bet is the hope that a note of all three, you can get a considerable return, even if one of the three, there are decent odds.


We all know that the general need to appear more than ten times a "draw" and "Pair" probability is very low, otherwise the casino will not open a compensable 11 such a high odds. If you bet Sambo every time, even if you four times in a child, under the calculation or a loss. So baccarat gambling on whether it is worth, I believe we all know. Anyway, my answer is definitely bet on gambling bets, however, than bet on "and" more worth. To bet on the "paired", it is better to increase betting bet "banker" or "free."


Friday 14 October 2016


Baccarat is the best bet technique to teach you how to win baccarat(12PLAY LIVE ROULETTE ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)

(12PLAY LIVE ROULETTE ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)Baccarat is an important part of baccarat. Play baccarat who want to win, in the early game are struggling to find the best baccarat betting method. Great baccarat, how to win baccarat on how to win.

Baccarat, the upper limit of the amount of bets, resulting in failure to equalize when the obstacles, the door of the rake [pumping] and idle door without rake, what is fair game, there is no favoritism of the rules.

For example, betting on the gate will require a bet of 5% of the bet amount. If the number of bets is increased, the difference will be lost due to rake, and the increase in betting amount, Instant lucky to win the Bureau, the number of times betting betting rake, is also considerable considerable sum up or lose the end.(12PLAY LIVE ROULETTE ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)

Moreover, the provisions of the upper limit of betting unfair, not by the players have more than one transfer plate, and then re-doubled the bet bet, it is betting the amount of the provisions of gambling is not a lot of capital, and host and guest translocation, The advantages of betting, as a small amount of betting, although not beyond the upper limit of the amount of betting, it can not lift the upper barrier, because of psychological pressure, incompetence again mistakes, even if they can do so, Can be successful, so the upper limit of the amount of betting is to prevent the player does not return to the naked and can not lose the shackles, do not make the taboo - impulse.

Play baccarat is not identified absolutely awakened, there are different with the tolerance of Kung Fu, would rather lose the opportunity to go treasure, do not want to increase the number of disk, expand the amount of gambling.


Thursday 13 October 2016


The casino mouse teaches you practical techniques for winning baccarat(12PLAY LIVE BLACKJACK ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)

(12PLAY LIVE BLACKJACK ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)Generally more people earn more, so by far the casino should be welcome all the gamblers come to join in, but there is a person in the casino is not welcome. As the most popular category of casinos, casino mice have always been opportunistic in the game, because they are opportunistic, so they can win. With the use of baccarat at the same time, aimed at casinos appear fleeting opportunity, a small profit, this method also allows you to play.

"Casino Mice" is a very simple bet, they appear every day, and will turn around the different tables, when they think the time is ripe will immediately bet, usually, regardless of winning or losing, their note will not exceed three Note, even if the three-game winning streak, they will not continue, succeeded after hand. If you lose money, it will not long chase down, today to this end, come back tomorrow.(12PLAY LIVE BLACKJACK ONLINE CASINO SINGAPORE)

The casino game is indeed very clever, but certainly not developed, if you just want to earn the cost of living, but it is more than enough, casque dr dre, the casino of these people most do nothing, but also can not do anything, can only allow them Continue to survive.

Some people will ask, if everyone is doing "casino mouse", casino is not to close down? Indeed, if every gambler is like a "casino mouse", then most of the world's casinos have long been closed. However, the fact is that even if there is a "casino mouse" exists, the casino is still making big profits, why not? Casinos can survive for a long time and make big money, because most people into the casino is not a "casino mouse." They did not do the "casino mouse" ability. Those who enter the casino, in addition to a lot of entertainment-only visitors, are not the gamblers most concerned about the casino, because they usually do not have much stake, even if the casino wins them, and they get what they can get. Not much benefit. Accounting for a large part of those who are self-confident, that they have the luck, and that their technology than many other losers good people, this kind of person, win complacent, elated, Leaving the field, that they can then win, and even the casino to win back, and when they lose, they refused to leave, to desperate spirit, that will be able to lose the Bo back, these people finally The results are mostly lost in a clean, penniless. If you are such a character, and do not intend to change, then, friends, you do not have to look at this book, because even if God stood beside you, holding your hand, can not tell you to win.

Any gambler should understand that gambling can win, luck is not the most important, once or twice the winning money, may be luck, but to long-term success, you and the casino is the technology betting and psychological, Rather than others. When you enter the casinos around the world, you will find that most of the casinos are beautifully decorated, providing an extremely comfortable environment, as well as rabbit fees drinks, low-value food and beverage, colorful A variety of entertainment, you have not thought of, casino, the ultimate reason to win in there? Do you know, these things is the most gambling casino gamblers on the most unfair, is wrapped in sugar-coated poison. Casino made so luxurious and comfortable, the cost of a lot of money, this money will eventually be earned by the gamblers who come back. When gamblers linger in these casinos, their money has been desperately sent to each other's pockets, casino earned money, some of which is used to make more delicious poison, so that more Of people come to tribute more interests.